Congresswoman Roybal-Allard speaks to families and employees during FD (August 9, 2013).
Giovanni Jimenez (circled) listens attentively.
When Dante Valve hosted its Family Day in 2013, we did not realize we would be inspiring the children of our workers. Guillermo Jimenez has worked at Dante Valve since 1996 and that day – nearly six years ago – he brought his son, Giovanni, with him to Family Day. Our guest of honor was Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard. Giovanni sat and listened as she spoke to the possibilities and the opportunities for children, specifically in the areas of public service, both military and civilian.
Today, Giovanni is enlisted in the United States Marines and has completed initial training. He says he was inspired by Dante Valve’s Family Day and the speech given by Congresswoman Roybal-Allard on that very day.
Dante Valve is very proud of Giovanni and his commitment to the United States. We find his story inspirational and know he will continue to motivate others during his military career. Thank you, Giovanni, for your willingness to serve our nation. Dante Valve wishes you all the best as you begin your military service.
Guillermo Jimenez, Valve Technician, and his son, Giovanni Jimenez, now a U.S. Marine.